Saturday, July 18, 1998

Journal of a garden tour in Shelby and Bartholomew Counties, Indiana, near Edinburg, Indiana.

The first stop on the tour was "Wheatfields," which is sort of a "learning" farm used for school student retreats and field trips and as a place for artists and corporate folk to get away from it all in a place of peace and quiet. There are adjacent hiking trails and wooded areas as well as a river to explore on foot.


It is called "Wheatfields" but this year it is in the middle of many corn fields.   The facility is in an old farm house and barn along County Road 800 in Shelby County, Indiana.  
The doors are symbolic of the paths that are open to us in our lives.   The doors are set right into the various gardens.  


It was a hot, dry day today, and even the sunflowers seemed a bit tired of the sun.   This fence is manufactured of various metal artifacts and parts from old farm and household machinery.  


Under a clipped mulberry tree was a shady place to sit and cool off and enjoy some of the colorful flowers picked this morning.

But there was plenty of shade for the body and the spirit too. This old pear tree was heavy with pears and shade.   Skip to Stop No. 2 on the tour . . . .the Turner Farm near Edinburg by clicking on the butterfly.